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Member Spotlight: Equity and Inclusion Taskforce Coordinator

Isaac Ferber is a recent graduate of Grinnell College who has dedicated his first-year post-graduation to service as the AmeriCorps VISTA Equity & Inclusion Taskforce Coordinator at GEP. At Grinnell, Isaac completed his bachelor's degree in Biology and Anthropology studies.

Isaac shared that as the Equity and Inclusion Taskforce coordinator, he hopes to work with local organizations, businesses, individual volunteers, and the school district to build capacity among such organizations interested in beginning or continuing work in the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion for the benefit of everyone in Grinnell.

This year, Isaacs's projects include:

  • A collaborative project with Grinnell United Way to incorporate DEI considerations within the mission statements and grant request applications. Isaac worked with members of the volunteer-based, local organization to support their intended outcomes of providing fundraising efforts to benefit human service agencies that serve Grinnell and the Poweshiek County area.

  • Planning a DEI Learning Exchange, a convening of community organizations to exchange ideas and resources around DEI. Nineteen organizations attended the first convening and expressed interest and enthusiasm to continue the conversation.

  • Continuing the ongoing initiative to sustain the community’s local free little libraries, Isaac is also working to ensure all individuals have access to a variety of books to the free little libraries no matter where they reside within the community of Grinnell. The Little Free Libraries initiative was started by 2020 AmeriCorps VISTA member, Ziggy Thetard as a way of supporting the mental and physical health of community members while also promoting literacy. Isaac continues to build on Ziggy’s inspiring work by finding permanent sponsors for these libraries, increasing community engagement, and keeping them well-stocked with engaging books. A digital map has been created of all library locations throughout the city of Grinnell and can be accessed here.


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